Monday, 30 September 2013

Research/Case Study - Double Page Spread - Rock Sound Magazine

Double Page Spread of  Enter Shikari in Rock Sound Magazine
  • This is a DPS of Enter Shikari debut studio album.
  • The images on the other page either close-ups, long shots or medium shots.
  • There are no drop caps, which probably means that this piece of writing is not really a formal piece or there is not much purpose to the text.
  • The colour scheme is still very consistent as it is the same as the front cover and contents page. i think that the only reason the background is white is because it is trying to fit the theme of the 'Take to the skies' the sky is clear and pure and so is the colour white.
  • The language used is quite formal, I would say that the audience would be quite young and not very old.
  • There is one pull quote that is over the image on the other page and it stands out because it is bold and red .
  • The relationship between the image and the text is that the image is of the members of the band and it is there new album artwork.

1 comment:

  1. "not much purpose to the text"?? Again you don't give enough analysis of meanings- for example the images are quite interesting-- what are the connotations? Analyse the language in much more depth..
